You Can’t…We’re Perfect!

Three weeks before diagnosis we found her engagement ring. We didn’t know Susan was sick. One week after diagnosis Dr. Paula Lee operated (3 cheers for U. S. healthcare! And 4 cheers for Dr. Lee and her team!). During recovery at Duke hospital, while standing by her bed, Diamonds Direct called to say; “your ring is ready.”

I told Susan I needed to run some errands. (She didn’t know the call was about the ring.)  And I’d be back soon. So I swung by Diamonds Direct. Picked up the ring. Went home. Put on my best suit and tie. Fortunately found roses at Harris Teeter. And headed back to my girl. I barely cracked open the hospital room door when she started to cry.

I knelt by her bed. Took her hand. Pulled out the ring. And said, “Susan Marie would you marry me?” With typical selflessness, she said, “you can’t marry me, l’m broke!”

I said, “me too! We’re perfect!”


Less than a month later we were married.  Her and daughter Carrie “pulled it off” as you’ll see.  She wanted it done soon, before treatments started.  “I’m not getting married without hair!”  She was beautiful. As you’ll see.

I was a very happy man. (In case you fail to notice.)

Here’s a link to our wedding video. I’ve placed it behind a password protected wall to keep the search engines away.  Everyone on my email list was emailed the password. All content is personal and not to be copied and reposted. The music was purchased by me.  Part of my “private collection.”

If you have a problem playing the video on your device please let me know. 

If you haven’t already added your email to my list, do so and I’ll let you know when the blog is updated.
