A Book About Gender Identity.
There has always been a small number of children distressed by their developing sexual characteristics, though when counseled appropriately (i.e., not lied to that they can change sex) most grow out of these feelings by the end of puberty. The reasons for this distress can be complex and multifaceted. In recent years, the huge and unprecedented surge in teenage girls with no prior history of gender confusion suggests social contagion as a likely factor.
What the evidence does not point to is the sinister fiction of the “transgender child”: the pseudoscientific idea that children are “born in the wrong body.” Or are capable of consenting to life-altering medical interventions to try to “fix” their appearance, all while impairing and irreparably damaging their healthy sexual development and functioning.
As for how trans activists captured the NHS to begin with, the Times of London notes that as far back as 2015, staff from the NHS gender youth clinic “told a select committee hearing that its treatment protocols were safe, regulated and based on guidelines from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health [WPATH].”
Recently leaked internal messages from WPATH destroy whatever credibility the organization had left.
Britain is backing up. When will we?