Bette Midler & Macy Gray Attacked For Stating Scientific Fact.

Here is the tweet from Bette Midler that got her in trouble with the Gender Activists.

As a classic Christian, I’m not on board with Midler about the “rights over our bodies” part. When there is a pregnancy there are two bodies involved. Not just one. It is much more complicated and morally nuanced than that. But she is certainly right about the other stuff. And the wholesale devaluing of female bodies that Gender Ideology represents.

Go Bette! (“Make alliances were we can!!”)

Also, here is artist Macy Gray’s comment that got her in trouble with the Gender Activists.

To which J.K. Rowling responded with a tweet (I love J.K.)

A “pittance” for J.K. But a nice gesture.

We need to return to sanity, folks. Love people who are confused, but don’t affirm confusion. I fear for a culture that does.
