“Outed” Student & How It Saved Him

Here is a sensitive, honest article by a gay man with a different perspective from most LGBTQ+ activists, activists who want to keep parents in the dark about their children.

Activists who say telling parents about a student’s sexual orientation or gender identity will endanger that student.

Years ago he was “outed” to his parents by a school counselor. And he is so glad that happened.

Read about it here. [Standard link disclaimer1Links from this blog to online resources don’t necessarily mean I support everything found there. But as adults we should embrace viewpoint diversity. And make alliances where we can.].

A huge parental backlash over this issue is making for some unusual political coalitions. People in the U.K. are voting “Tory” for the first time. I expect this will be concerning to many political liberals and moderates. So much so, that the upcoming mid-terms in the U.S. will find many “crossing the aisles” to vote Republican for the first time.

When you get between parents and their children expect political fallout.
