Will NHS Rethink Barbaric Surgery?

We’ve met TullipR before.

Now he has decided to sue Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) over his Gender Reassignment Surgery.

There will be many more like him..

The DailyMail.com reports.

The man says he is gay and his sexuality should have been discussed before the radical, irreversible gender surgery. ‘I have been castrated. That is the correct term,’ he says on his Twitter feed, which has 19,000 followers.

‘I cannot believe they [the NHS] were allowed to do this to me.

‘I was not even asked if I wanted to freeze my sperm, or have kids in the future.’ He does not want to be named because he is ashamed of how he looks. Instead, he tweets under the pseudonym TullipR.


Detransitioner TullipR points out that the Reddit online community of Detransitioners now sits at 32.2k and growing rapidly. I suspect this is just the beginning.

What are we doing to our young people?


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.
